The period after the Warsaw Pact armies invaded Czechoslovakia in August 1968 was called “normalization” by the communist ideology coiners. With the return of Stalinist communist methods, the obsession of state authorities with all things Jewish returned. Fighting an imaginary, ubiquitous Zionist conspiracy could not leave the Jewish communities untouched. Their existence in the period of normalization represented a certain microworld in which similar processes as in the general society took place in a smaller space but no less intensively.
We invite you to a short tour of the Brno synagogue, accompanied by a guided walk down Ponávka Street to the hall of the Brno branch of the Jewish Museum in Prague, followed by a lecture by documentary filmmaker Martin Šmok, the author of the exhibition „Labyrinth of Normalization: The Jewish Community as the Mirror of the General Society“.
The programme takes place in cooperation with the Jewish Museum in Prague.
16:00 Meeting point in front of the synagogue at Skořepka 13.
Skořepka 13