Commemoration act: Remembering the Victims of the Years 1939 – 1945
Home Events Commemoration act: Remembering the Victims of the Years 1939 – 1945

Commemoration act: Remembering the Victims of the Years 1939 – 1945

In honour of the memory of victims from the years 1939-1945, we will hold an act of remembrance that will symbolically conclude Saturday’s Reconciliation March.
The infamous Kounic Halls of Residence in Brno became a symbol of the suffering of thousands of people taken prisoner there during the years of Nazi occupation. It was in this place where hundreds of people, resistance fighters and Czech patriots, met their violent deaths. Remembering these victims is an integral part of the last century’s balance. After the end of the war, the suffering continued until June 1945. Here, with the participation of guests from Germany, we will conclude Saturday’s Reconciliation March with an act of remembrance.

During the act of remembrance, we will hear a performance of the Slovak university students’ schola called Jakubčatá.

Programme will be held in czech and german and it will be translated simultaneously.






Kaunic Halls of Residence
Králova 45
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