Heroines of Reconciliation
Where are fathers and husbands when you need them most? How do you approach someone you love but who is unbearably far away? And how many angels does it take to make the separation even a little bit bearable?
The performance is a testimony of a mother and daughter – women whose lives have remained in the shadow of their father and partner. And out of that shadow also materializes the story of all mothers and daughters whose work and efforts are not seen or appreciated. The story of mothers and daughters who are waiting for their fathers and husbands to have time for them.
Performance about everyday heroism. The search for a free space unbound by conformity. Men who disappear when you need them most.
Idea: Veronika Všianská
Screenplay: Eva Lietavová, Patrik Boušek, Veronika Všianská
Direction: Eva Lietavová
Scenography: Věra Vtípilová
Music: Filip Dobrocký
Actors: Hana Jagošová and Klára Marxová
Production: bazmek entertainment, Mikro-teatro, Meeting Brno
Programme will be held in czech.