Liechtenstein is meeting Brno – Liechtenstein: a place one either doesn’t know about or admires
Home Events Liechtenstein is meeting Brno – Liechtenstein: a place one either doesn’t know about or admires

Liechtenstein is meeting Brno – Liechtenstein: a place one either doesn’t know about or admires

This is the success story of one family that has been going strong for 800 years, and of a tiny state that recently celebrated 300 years of independent existence. For centuries the Princely House of Liechtenstein influenced the historical and cultural developments of the Lands of the Bohemian Crown, and it is in Moravia that the historical memory of this is most vivid. This talk about Liechtenstein’s heritage and the major successes of a minor principality will be presented by Daniel Herman, a former Czech minister of culture and presently the honorary consul of the Principality of Liechtenstein in the Czech Republic, and Michal Růžička, the spokesperson of the Prince of Liechtenstein Foundation and of the princely family in the Czech Republic.

Programme will be held in czech and will be simultaneously interpreted to english.
Free entry. Limited capacity. We suggest booking your place below on this site.






Moravská galerie, Uměleckoprůmyslové muzeum
Husova 536
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