Shedding skin – exhibition
Home Events Shedding skin – exhibition

Shedding skin – exhibition

A subjective examination of historical moments: an exhibition of works by students of the Body Design Studio

As history passes us by, we leave remnants from our lives behind. Animals that shed their skin usually do it to grow – the old skin (the exuvia) is too small. We should not view our historical exuviae with contempt. If we slough our skin, we should not forget what we experienced while we were in it. New skin offers opportunities for growth, but it too is limited. Its time will eventually come and it, in turn, will be shed. In time, all our skins and coats are changed.

The Shedding skin exhibition gives us the perspectives of students at the Body Design Studio on selected historical events. They link past events with signs from the present, examine the topic of historical truth, remind us of what has been forgotten and, in their works presented here, challenge those trends that might cause a biased perception of the past.

The exhibition will be open for viewing at the Abbey in Mendlovo náměstí whenever a Meeting Brno event is being held at the venue. On Saturday 31/7 there will be a guided tour at 19:00 at the end of the Reconciliation March.


Sára Hold (CZ)
Denie Kony (CZ, VN)
Eva Gatialová (SK)
Lisette Sivard (EST)

Educational supervision: Kristýna Kašparová, Erika Mészsárosová, Karolína Kohoutková and Lenka Klodová

In collaboration with the Faculty of Fine Arts, Brno University of Technology and The Memory of Nations, South Moravia branch.

Programme will be held in czech and english.






Augustinian Abbey
Mendlovo nám. 1
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