Sisters. The Role of Women in Churches – discussion
Home Events Sisters. The Role of Women in Churches – discussion

Sisters. The Role of Women in Churches – discussion

“They have been here for centuries; throughout history they have proved their great courage many times; they stand on the lowest rank in the Church hierarchy, yet they do the most difficult work. They care for the ill, they work in penal institutions, social services and schools; they help people in missions, and can be credited with founding hospice care. They look after others irrespective of their beliefs, wealth or affiliation. Often they are sworn to secrecy. They live in seclusion. What to some looks like bondage, may, to others, bring freedom. They do not impose their otherness on anyone, they carry it boldly. There are only about a thousand of them left in our country today. Few people know them personally, but they command respect and perhaps also fear,” writes Kamila Hladká in the abstract of her book about nuns.
Wives and mothers such as Empress Zita; nuns as sisters of the religious orders. Is the time coming when women will serve as priests in the Catholic Church, as was the case in the “Clandestine Church” in communist Czechoslovakia?

To mark the publication of Kamila Hladká’s book Sestry [Sisters], Zdeněk Jančařík’s book Ty jsi kněz navěky. Rozhovor s Ludmilou Javorovou [You are a priest forever: Interview with Ludmila Javorová], Žena ať v církvi promluví [Let the woman speak in the church] and Martina Viktorie Kopecka’s book Deník farářky [Diary of a woman pastor]. 

Kamila Hladká
Veronika Všianská and Zdeněk Jančařík SDB (the last two being the filmmaker and author respectively of a book about the female priest Ludmila Javorová)
Martina Viktorie Kopecká
Francesca Šimuniová OSB

Moderated by:
Jan Hanák

Programme will be held in czech only.
Free entry. Limited capacity. We suggest booking your place below on this site.






Paradise Garden of Augustinian Abbey
Mendlovo nám. 1
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