Terezín Family Camp in Auschwitz
Home Events Terezín Family Camp in Auschwitz

Terezín Family Camp in Auschwitz

Adam Drda will give a lecture featuring testimonials to commemorate the anniversary of the largest mass murder of Czech citizens and public figures in the Terezín Family Camp.

On the night of 8th to 9th March 1944, almost four thousand Jews from the Terezín Family Camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau were murdered in gas chambers. Together with the murders of those who arrived later at the camp in early July of that year, it is the largest mass murder of Czech citizens during the Second World War and in modern history in general. Yet the anniversary of this event goes unnoticed, and at best we find only brief references to it in textbooks.The existence of the family camp for the Jews of Terezín in Auschwitz will be revealed by Adam Drda, documentary filmmaker and a publicist, who has written a book on the camp titled “Zvláštní zacházení”. This term (special treatment, Sonderbehandlung in German) was a Nazi euphemism for extrajudicial killing, for murders committed by state authorities. The abbreviation for this word, the letters SB, was found in the official records of all those who were assigned to the family camp.

Programme will be held in czech.

Free admission. Limited capacity. We suggest booking your place below on this site.








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