The Building of the Czech and Slovak Rule of Law
Home Events The Building of the Czech and Slovak Rule of Law

The Building of the Czech and Slovak Rule of Law

One of the biggest challenges after November 1989 for both the Czech republic and Slovakia was the forming of the new state, and especially the rule of law. We will talk about coping with history, creating new boundaries of state power or implementing human rights into our law in the very institution that protects the constitution inside the former federal court, today’s Constitutional court of the Czech republic. We’ll focus on pressing questions that afflict our democracy today, whether it be the fragile independence of Slovak justice, enforceability of law or the will of politicians to bend constitutional rules.

Presenters: Martin Kopa (judge of the Regional Court in Brno) and Ivana Svobodová (reporter of the weekly Respekt)
Guests: Štefan Hríb (editor-in-chief of the weekly .týždeň), Katarína Javorčíková (judge, member of the Slovak Judicial Council), Jan Kysela (constitutional lawyer), Vojtěch Šimíček (judge of the Constitutional Court)

The programme will be in Czech only.
Limited capacity. Reservations are required to attend. Unfortunately, without a full reservation (including full name and ID or passport number) and undergoing an on-site inspection (presentation of ID or passport, passing through security and baggage check), participation will not be possible.
We recommend arriving 20 minutes early to check in.






Constitutional Court building
Joštova 8
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