Photogallery 2023

Meeting Brno 2023

31/1/2023 Fashion goes green
10/3/2023 Schindler's List + discussion with the author
26/3/2023 Commemoration of Marie Kudeříková
29/3/2023 And Give My Love to the Swallows – film and discussion with Magda Vašáryová
30/3/2023 Commemoration day for the blessed Marie Restituta Kafková in Vienna
31/3/2023 Maruška – premiere of the film adaptation
9/5/2023 To Eat, To Learn, To Love – Discussion For Mary’s Meals
22/6/2023 Do We Belong Together?
22/6/2023 The Last Transport
23/6/2023 Today We Divide – Premiere
24/6/2023 Reconciliation March
25/6/2023 Commemoration act: Remembering the Victims of the Years 1939 – 1945
25/6/2023 Czech-Slovak-German Reconciliation Service
25/6/2023 Preserving Memory – Discussion
25/6/2023 The Flying Rabbi
25/6/2023 Is the One Who Forgets Happy?
26/6/2023 The Subsidiary Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Brno – Walk
26/6/2023 Czechia as an “Education Village”– Discussion
27/6/2023 Brno – the Slovak Home – Discussion
27/6/2023 Katarzia
28/6/2023 The Unremovable Part of Being – Premiere
29/6/2023 A Tour of the Constitutional Court
29/6/2023 The Building of the Czech and Slovak Rule of Law
30/6/2023 Meditation Workshop
30/6/2023 Gregorian Chant Workshop
30/6/2023 “It’s difficult to understand that leaving a convent is more difficult than joining without experiencing it.”
30/6/2023 How Is Sisterhood Today? – Discussion
30/6/2023 Opening of the Exhibition of Jan Cágas Photos – Sestry
1/7/2023 Brno Exhibition Centre Czechoslovak
1/7/2023 The Risk of Education – Discussion
1/7/2023 Oldřich Smysl – Play Jesus!
15/12/2023 Hože – Tugendhat – Löw-Beer – Discussion and Tour
Photogalleries of the other years: